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Good luck Messages

May all da love that is urs 2day,

Stays with u both along life way

& ties that bind u grow more

Through every happy future year!

Wish u good Luck.


Luck is like sand in hands.

It'll sneak out through da fingers,

no matter gripped firmly or held loosely.

Only hand in da praying posture can save it!

Wish u good Luck.


Every sunset gives us 1 day less 2 live!

But every sunrise give us, 1 day more 2

hope! So, hope 4 da best. Good Day & Good Luck!



Ur journey through life

Will cross paths

With people

Who r destined 2

Change ur life



As u make ur way Through life's many Obstacles... May u always

Leave ur marks.



I'm keeping my

Fingers crossed

4 ur Success!



Good luck is offen with da man

Who doesn't

Include it in his plants



May u follow

Ur Dreams

& always

Belive in urself.

Keep ur Eyes

On da stars

& Hope

In ur Heart.


What we call

da biginning

is offen da end

& 2 make an end

is 2 make a beginning

Da end is where

we start from.


Let ur dreams guide

Ur steps !

Of all da 4tunes I could send, I

Send God's Love 4 it never ends!

Walk in His ways so that u may prosper in all

U do & whereever u go.

Hug inside---------Open crfully !


All of us will miss u

& we would like 2 say

We hope dis card brings u good luck

Each & every day


May da road rise up 2 meet u

May da wind be always at ur back

May da sun shine warm upon ur face

May da rain fall soft upon ur field

& until we meet again

May God hold u in da palm of his hand.


Dont pray 4 Easy Lives

Pray 2 Be a StrOOng Men!

Dont Pray 4 Task

Equal 2 Ur Powers!

Pray 4 Power Equal

2 Ur Taskz!



A sweeter smile

A brighter day

Hope everything turns out better 4 u 2morrow.

May ALLAH be with u always.

Good Luck


Life never seems 2 be

da way we want it,

bt we live it in da

best way we can.

Dare iz no perfect life bt we

can fill it with perfect moments.


I've seen all ur endeavours

ur hardships I know

u r my friend

I know da reason 4 struggle

u have tried all ur best

Stressed out u have been

Now is da final round

Dis is ur turn 2 shine

I wish u well

May all ur dreams come true.

Good luck


All of us have bad luck & good luck. Da man who persists through da badluck

who keeps right on going iz da man who iz dare when da good luck comes

& iz ready 2 receive it...


Good Luck 4 da Day,

May Success come Ur Way,

May Ur Day Be Full of Fun,

May U Impress Every1..


Fly in da plane of Ambition & Land in da Airport of Success,

Luck iz urs, Wish iz mine...May Ur future always shine.

Good Luck..


I wish a wish 4 u.Its a wish I wish 4 few.

Da wish I wish 4 u is dat all ur wishes come true

so keep wishing as my best wishes r always with u.



With my 1 Heart & two eyes.

With my

1 Heart. n 2 eyes

5 litre blood

206 b1s

1.2million Red Cells

60 trillion D.N.A.'s

I wish u "All da very best of LUCK"


Bhegay mosam ki khushbu hawaoo my ho

Apky 7 ka ehsaas in fizaon my ho

Yahi sda rahay apky Honton py Muskurahat

Itna asar meri duaon my ho......

Good Luck


2 accomplish great thingz,

We must not only act,

Bt also dream,

Not only plan bt also believe,

Best wishez 4 ur exam.


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